Low Cost Cat Spay Neuter April 29 in Cartersville, GA

Project CatSnip will be holding a low cost feline spay and neuter clinic on April 29 in Cartersville, GA at the Exxon Gas Station, 1340 East Main Street.

An appointment is required. You may make a reservation request on Project CatSnip's website. If you have additional questions, check the website, email info@projectcatsnip.com or call 770-455-7077.

Pricing as follows:
    • Feline (female) spay....$55
    • Feline (male) neuter....$35
Package Price includes routine spay or neuter, as well as physical exam, pain relief, anesthesia, and nail trim. There is no additional charge if cat is in heat.
Additional services available at the time of surgery. If you do no provide proof of a current rabies vaccination, then you must purchase one at time of surgery.
    • Rabies Vaccination (1 year).......................$13 
    • FVRCP (feline distemper) vaccination......$17
    • FELV (feline leukemia) vaccination..........$19
    • Combo Test (felv/fiv).................................$28
    • Microchipping (includes registration)........$29
    • Deworming (roundworms, hookworms)....$15

About CatSnip:

CatSnip is a non profit program of the Atlanta Animal Alliance. It was founded in 2002 by Dr. Amy Orlin and Bob Christiansen to lower euthanasia rates through non-lethel means in Metro Atlanta.

Their mission:
  • Provide non-lethal population control for metro Atlanta cats.
  • Perform high quality sterilization surgeries for cats to align the supply of kittens born with available homes.
  • Educate the public about cat overpopulation, sterilization programs and responsible cat care.
  • Provide excellence in spay-neuter services that are low-cost for families that are experiencing financial hardship.
  • Operate an excellent, state-of-the-art clinic facility that employs caring, friendly and professional staff.
Mailing address:

CatSnip Operations
3990 Flowers Road #520
Atlanta, GA 30360

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